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Simple | Effective | Reliable
Bike Security.
Each year, millions of bikes are stolen, making security a major barrier to choosing a bike over a car. We’re changing that, by making biking safer and easier.
Riding a bike is more convenient than ever!
Riding a bike is like… well, riding a bike! It’s simple, it’s fun, and now it’s more convenient than ever. At Lockstop, we ride our bikes everywhere—to coffee, work, groceries, school. There’s nothing like the freedom of zipping past traffic.
But nothing ruins that faster than finding your bike gone. Forgetting your lock is bad; losing your bike is worse. And bike theft keeps too many people from replacing car trips with easy rides.
We want more people on bikes—for happier commutes, cleaner air, and a healthier world. More smiles, less road rage.
Hop back on. We’ve got you covered.
The boring bike lock just got a refresh. Paying homage to the tried and true, we're bridging the gap b/t the old and the new. We gave your bike chain a brain! It's a bike lock that fits in your pocket, and is as light as a phone. Simply download the app, scan, lock, live!
Lockstop has been put through the ringer! Sledges, Drills, Clippers, and Grinds. We're battled tested and ready to protect. Our steel chain, dressed in black Kevlar makes it nearly impossible for a snatch and grab. While the chain slows them down, your Lockstop sounds a 100 decibel alarm, and notifies you immediately in the app.
Convenience is a top priority! Our goal is to be where you're going before you get there. Make it easy to Lock, Unlock, and Monitor your bike all from your phone.
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